Torres del Paine Wildlife in Torres del Paine - Sustentabilidad

Torres del Paine Wildlife

Torres del Paine National Park is considered the 8th Natural Wonder of the World, it has been named a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and is the most treasured protected wildlife area in Chile.

It is habitat to a diversity of ecosystems, more than 100 species of birds, 25 mammals (including puma, condor, huemul, ñandu, guanaco) and 270 species of flowers and vegetation.

We invite you to immerse yourself in Torres del Paine´s magnificent wildlife, and take one of the many programmes offered by Reserva Las Torres, offering you a unique and unforgettable experience in the depths of Chilean Patagonia.

Conservation in the Park

Park Regulations

In order to protect the unique and natural resources of Torres del Paine National Park, you are asked to adhere to the following government rules while visiting the Park:

  • 1 Open fires are strictly forbidden, without exception
  • 2 Camp stoves are only allowed in authorized areas
  • 3 All trash must be taken out of the Park, including cigarette butts and organic waste
  • 4 Hiking is only allowed on marked trails
  • 5 Camping is only allowed in designated campsites
  • 6 Pets and domestic animals are not allowed in the Park
  • 7 It is prohibited to damage or alter natural or cultural features
  • 8 All visitors must register their activities when entering the Park and inform of their trip itinerary

Leave No Trace

When visiting Torres del Paine National Park, it is important to adhere to Leave No Trace principles.

  • 1 Plan and prepare for your trip in advance
  • 2 Walk and camp only on marked areas
  • 3 Leave no trash behind (including organic waste) and pick up any trash you see
  • 4 Take only pictures - leave nature as you find it, do not pick flowers or carve into trees
  • 5 Use of fire is prohibited (fire from camp stoves is only permitted in approved settings)
  • 6 Respect wildlife by maintaining distance and not leaving any food for them to eat
  • 7 Respect your fellow adventurers

Our Commitment

The Las Torres Reserve is fully committed to conservation and has implemented many projects to protect and preserve the landscape and wildlife within the Park.

Read more about these projects here.

  • 1 We have removed all livestock from the Reserve.
  • 2 We built a Welcome Center to receive and orient our visitors, as well as provide outdoor education.
  • 3 We have our own Park Rangers who assist on the trails and work to maintain them.
  • 4 Hotel Las Torres has a half hectare regenerative kitchen garden which supplies our restaurant and bar with fresh fruit and vegetables, and it is also where we compost and recycle organic waste.
  • 5 Our hotel and mountain hostels have an extensive recycling plan and make a heavy emphasis on environmentally friendly products.
  • 6 In 2004, we led the creation of AMA, a non-profit organization focused on minimizing the tourist impact on the Las Torres Reserve and the Park in general.
  • 7 We participate in the project Tu Mejor Huella (your best footprint), which is committed to restoring the trail leading to the base of the Torres.

Learn more about Las Torres Reserve

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Hikking & Tours

Choose from one of these adventures to learn more about the Patagonian wildlife.

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Excursions in the Park

Taking an excursion with us is the best way to experience the stunning natural landscapes and incredible view points and look outs.


Las Torres Patagonia
