Las Torres Patagonia Leads Reconstruction Work on the Trail to Base Torres -

Las Torres Patagonia Leads Reconstruction Work on the Trail to Base Torres

Scheduled between November, 2023 and March, 2024, this reconstruction project aims to combat erosion caused by factors such as weather and the passage of time, among others, in order to develop a safer and less complex trail to one of the most attractive geographical destinations for international tourism.

Torres del Paine, December 13, 2023: Every season, more than 150,000 tourists choose to explore Torres del Paine National Park. This group, mostly heading to the famous granite columns that give this place its name, must traverse a trail that extends for about ten kilometers, also used by horses for various supply tasks to nearby shelters. Constant traffic, lack of proper design, and the particular weather conditions of the region have conspired against optimal maintenance of the route. This is why the reconstruction of this trail has become an urgent necessity.

Las Torres Patagonia Leads Reconstruction Work on the Trail to Base Torres

For several years, Las Torres Patagonia has led and financed reconstruction work, closely collaborating with entities such as the NGOs AMA Torres del Paine (Chile) and ConservationVIP (United States). These organizations have provided support in both logistics and the execution of the works, playing a fundamental role not only in preserving the environment but also in involving the local community.

The need to improve the trail layout responds not only to aesthetic or natural reasons but also aligns with Las Torres Patagonia’s commitment to sustainable development, ensuring long-term benefits and contributing to the harmony between environmental conservation and visitors.

Las Torres Patagonia Leads Reconstruction Work on the Trail to Base Torres

“For us, as an institution committed to environmental care, it is necessary to guarantee optimal trail conditions. By allocating resources to this cause, we not only seek to provide a better experience for tourists but also to preserve the integrity of the ecosystem,” commented Las Torres Patagonia CEO, Josian Yaksic.

During the first week of November, under the supervision of AMA Torres del Paine director, John Ojeda, the first of two trail builder crews arrived, consisting of mechanics, welders, and engineers experienced in constructing various types of circuits, including bike paths and trails. The direction of this initiative, for this season, will be led by AMA Torres del Paine’s park operations leader, Maximiliano Cerda, who will oversee each stage of the project.

Las Torres Patagonia Leads Reconstruction Work on the Trail to Base Torres

What does this 2023-2024 stage include? According to Ojeda, the first phase aims to remove all plant material present on the trail. The purpose is to adapt the space using sustainable techniques that reduce the effects of erosion, water stagnation, and other environmental considerations, aligned under a strict management plan.

ConservationVIP director Garry Oye explains that for a trail to be sustainable, it responds to the engineering used to work on the route. “For example, a less steep angle allows footsteps on the trail to exert less pressure, which is also accompanied by how rainwater drains away from the trail, allowing erosion to be reduced to a minimum,” he comments.

It is worth mentioning that these operations will not block access to Base Torres for visitors. While all the corresponding work is being carried out on the trail, no tourist will be unable to access the viewpoint overlooking the eighth wonder of the world.

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