Chile advances to ATTA’s Adventure in Motion 2022 finals - Sustentabilidad

Chile advances to ATTA’s Adventure in Motion 2022 finals

After a virtual vote, the short film “Sustainable Cocktails Made in Patagonia” from Las Torres Reserve won the “Adventure Needs Community” category of the Adventure Travel Trade Association’s (ATTA) short film competition

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Chile advances to ATTA’s Adventure in Motion 2022 finals

After a virtual vote that closed on August 25, the short film “Sustainable Cocktails Made in Patagonia” from Las Torres Reserve won the “Adventure Needs Community” category of the Adventure Travel Trade Association’s (ATTA) short film competition. ! Thank you to everyone who voted for us! 

With great pride and satisfaction, Las Torres Reserve announced its success in ATTA’s Adventure in Motion 2022 contest, thanks to the support of voters in Chile, Latin America, and beyond, who chose the inspiring short film Sustainable Cocktails Made in Patagoniaover its competitors from Thailand and Greenland.

The piece tells the story of bartender Federico Gil and his original proposal for sustainable cocktails and organic craft beer served at Hotel Las Torres Pionero Bar, in the heart of the famous Torres del Paine National Park.

“The news fills us with pride. It is the result of Las Torres Reserve’s longstanding effort in sustainability and engaging our internal community. With concrete steps, as simple and inspiring as a sustainable cocktail, we hope to communicate part of our mission to our guests: to inspire people with Patagonia’s nature and culture,” says Mauricio Kusanovic, Las Torres’ Executive Director.

In fact, the Reserve itself is the result of a transition from a traditional Patagonian ranch (estancia) to a beacon of sustainable tourism and conservation. Today, Las Torres Reserve conveys a message of love for the territory to its visitors that wouldn’t be possible without the active engagement of its community.

“The environment we inhabit needs the support of the community to promote and implement innovative actions with a positive impact on society. The practices are individual, but the real change will be collective,” says Federico Gil, Hotel Las Torres’ bartender.

That is why projects dedicated to the care, preservation, and sustainability of the Reserve have been implemented with great effort: the regenerative organic garden; the park’s reforestation and trail restoration; the hiring of park rangers; the creation of the AMA Torres del Paine NGO in charge of the Reserve’s management plan; and –of course– the sustainable cocktail proposal.

Competing at ATTA’s World Summit

Las Torres Reserve will attend the Adventure Travel World Summit 2022 in Lugano, Switzerland on October 5th with the message of conservation and internal community integration depicted in the short film “Sustainable Cocktails Made in Patagonia.”

Ximena Castro Rojas, Magallanes’ Director of the Chilean Tourism Board (Sernatur), celebrated the news: “It is such an honor for Magallanes to once again be one of the finalists in this major competition thanks to the efforts of the entrepreneurs who represent our country and our region. We wish them the best of luck.”

The Reserve also highlights the support of Organic Patagonia, Federico Gil, Rein production company, Cerveza Austral, and the entire team at Hotel Las Torres Pionero Bar. Their hard work is what allows for Las Torres to be showcased at this relevant international platform in which 800 professionals from the travel industry will vote for one of the three category winners to be named best film.

Come visit us at Las Torres Patagonia to try one of the delicious cocktails at Pionero Bar yourself while enjoying the exceptional beauty of Torres del Paine.

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