Tour Torres del Paine on Horseback like a Baqueano - Sustentabilidad

Tour Torres del Paine on Horseback like a Baqueano

Baqueanos (Chilean cowboys) transmit the essence of Patagonia through their knowledge of the land and ranching skills. Visiting with them immerses travelers here in an authentic and enriching experience. Whether through exciting horseback riding, guided walks, or simply sharing captivating stories around a campfire, baqueanos are ambassadors of Patagonian culture and guardians of its legacy alongside their faithful companions, the horse. 

Many travelers come to Torres del Paine to add a new chapter of adventure to their lives, touring the mountains and soaking up Patagonia’s pure air and beauty. Here, everyone is adventurous, looking for excitement and adrenaline as they discover this place. Some choose to discover Patagonia on horseback, explore the trails, and gallop across the pampa. You, too, are invited to experience this Baquean experience at Las Torres Patagonia. 

Tour Torres del Paine on Horseback like a Baqueano
Tour Torres del Paine on Horseback like a Baqueano

Are you familiar with Patagonia culture? If not, let’s start with the basics. What is a baqueano? 

A baqueano is an authentic representation of Patagonian culture, someone who has dedicated their life to knowing the trails, roaming the Patagonian steppes, and understanding the climate, the local fauna, and flora. But, above all things, a baqueano has made the horse his companion. An ally in their daily tasks and whose relationship helps us understand more about this incredible national park, Torres del Paine.

At Las Torres Patagonia, we have about 190 horses, which our baqueanos have adopted to form a symbiotic relationship between man, animal, and Patagonia. Thanks to the holistic grazing system (EOV certificate), herd conditions are recreated, very common in large wild steppes, to rotate the areas used by these mammals and avoid soil erosion.

Complete Care and Love for the Horses

Our horses also have different monitoring of their physical conditions. Our veterinarians visit our horses frequently and deworm the horses four times a year to avoid colic or other issues. Moreover, every 25 or 30 days, they get new horseshoes, and twice a year, they receive their equine influenza vaccines, required by the Agricultural and Livestock Service in Chile. Our care for these animals even reaches their teeth with specialized equine dentistry.

Tour Torres del Paine on Horseback like a Baqueano
Ramón Díaz, manager of the Ranch and his faithful companion called Capricho

Ramón Díaz, manager of the Ranch, has developed a special connection with each of the horses on the reserve. His faithful horse is named Capricho, a 22 years old animal, who he describes as meek and noble. Capricho has a mild temperament and is very versatile in fieldwork. Ramón Díaz learned more closely how these animals interact with the environment.

Our guests appreciate soaking up the baqueano culture and knowing more about the horses in our stables. Travelers here also can enjoy a mate with the baqueanos while listening to their stories roaming these lands. Guests can get closer to the horses by brushing or stroking their fur.

Tour Torres del Paine on Horseback like a Baqueano
Let yourself be guided by a baqueano

Enjoy a Guided Experience with a Baqueano

Are you ready to live an adventure helmed by a baqueano? You can take advantage of our program and explore the wonders of Torres del Paine. This unforgettable experience will connect you to the essence of Patagonia and is an adventure you’ve never encountered here at the end of the world! 

You can choose from five different horseback riding excursions that accommodate your needs, allowing you to plan a journey that best suits your style. Enjoy a horseback ride to Valle Ascencio, one of the first trails used by the baqueanos, or pick Monte Cerro Paine, a horseback ride for more experienced riders. There are also more challenging adventures like El Valle Enchanted, this trail is for people with deep horse riding experience, and it can take between 6 and 8 hours to cover the 24-kilometer route.

Tour Torres del Paine on Horseback like a Baqueano
Live a baquean experience

Are you ready to live the Baquean experience and explore Patagonia to the sound of horse hooves? Check out our excursion program and saddle up for an epic adventure.

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